June 24, 2008

At NORCO, we listen...

Many or our products have been created by what we call "user-innovation." Here at NORCO we encourage our customers to give us feedback on the quality and the function of our products. The results of listening to our customers are better products with better features. Let me give you an example!

The NORCO 82302B High Lift Wheel Dolly has been serving the needs of our customers for years. The one thing that users told us is that the tool would be that much better if it the wheel hub was more accessible during use. They spoke and we listened. Take a close look at our new NORCO 82304 Air Hydraulic Wheel Dolly with the completely open center design! There's nothing like it in the industry. The air/hydraulic pump makes it easier for the tech to lift the load and the open center design makes it easier to align the wheels. keep those ideas coming, America!

82304 Air Hydraulic Wheel Dolly